Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is the leading non-accidental cause of morbidity and mortality in athletes in the US. For the ‘athlete's heart’, with its changed structure and functionality, proper evaluation is vital for prevention and management of cardiovascular conditions while continuing high-intensity physical activity. Join sports cardiologist, Dr. Christopher Tanayan, for a comprehensive discussion of how he uses ECG and other modalities’ insights to modulate and reduce SCA risk for athletes.
During this webinar, you will learn:
- Learn the incidence and etiologies of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in athletes
- Discover the rationale and tools used for screening and prevention (including ECG, pre-participation physical exam, etc.)
- Review multiple case studies evaluating expected fibrosis in high-endurance athletes, atrial and aortic dilation, as well as coronary artery calcifications
- Understand the exercise paradox and role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the care of the athletic heart